2009 m. birželio 3 d., trečiadienis

End-Of-Term self assessment

Writing (A summary)

Summary writing was something new for me when I came to university, because we have never written them in school. During the second term I have familiarized better with the rules of summary writing, however, the main downfall here was that I have skipped too much English lectures and have not written most of the summaries that we had to write.

Performance in ESP vocabulary tests

ESP vocabulary tests are quite easy if written at the proper time, in classroom. I have to admit that I have failed to write most of my ESP vocabulary tests on time, and for this reason I had some difficulties when I had to write all skipped tests at once. However, I am quite confident about ESP tests and I know that with just a little bit more study I could write them perfectly.

Performance in class dictations

Attended at this only once, and I must say that I have never understood the point of writing dictations in any language classes. Anyway, I think I am quite good at it, regardless of some silly little mistakes.

Listening practice in class

Listening is something I have been always good at. I’m quite happy with my listening tasks this term; however, I haven’t got the perfect mark for them, so I guess there’s still some place to improve.

Listening to peers' Power Point presentations

Personally, Power Point Presentations is my favorite part of our English classes. I must say I’m quite impressed with most of my friends PPP’s and that’s something that makes our English lectures much more interesting.

Making Power Point presentations

During the first term I was really nervous about making my presentation, but ant the second term I have already found it much easier to do. I think I have improved at both – understanding how presentation should look as well as presenting it in from of the class. And I really enjoyed this kind of work.

Short talks on ESP themes in class

I like to talk in class when I really have something to say, but it is really annoying when we must say something even when we don’t know what to say, because then most of the ideas starts to repeat from student to student. Anyway, I think that talking on ESP themes are really important, and my short talks have really improved.

Picture reference: http://www.seemoney.co.uk/pages/news/ESMART9/big%20pics/pencil.jpg

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