2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

Analytical summary of "Introduction to psychology"

Robert S. Feldman is the author of "Understanding psychology". In the first chapter, that is called “Introduction to psychology” he explains what is the science of psychology, what are the major specialities in the field of psychology, what are the origins of this science and what are the psychology’s key issues and controversies.

The first module is called “Psychologists at Work”. In this module the author writes about the subfields of psychology, such as school, clinical, developmental, health psychology, etc. Also he explains that psychologists are employed in a very vide variety of settings, such as work at school, offices, clinics, counseling centers, etc.

In second module, called “A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future” the Professor of Psychology writes about the origins of psychology, people who developed psychology as a science, the major approaches in contemporary psychology and today’s perspectives .

“Psychology’s Key Issues and Controversies” is the third module, where scientist writes about the main psychology’s key issues and controversies, explains how culture, ethnicity and race influence behaviour. Furthermore, S. Feldman also talks about the future of psychology.

To sum up, the first chapter introduces us with basic information about psychology as a science, it’s roots, problems, perspectives and the possible future of psychology’s development.

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