2008 m. lapkričio 11 d., antradienis

Psychology of laughter

Laughter is an expression of amusement. Strong laughter can sometimes bring an onset of tears or cause a moderate muscular pain as a physical response to the act. Laughter is regulated by the brain, and is used as a signal for being in a group – it signals acceptance. The study of humor and laughter and its psychological and physiological effects on the human body is called geletology.

It is said, that laughter is the best medicine. And there's lots of evidence that laughter does lots of good things for us. It reduces pain and allows us to tolerate discomfort, reduces blood sugar levels, increasing glucose tolerance in diabetics and nondiabetics alike.

Laughter establishes - or restores - a positive emotional climate and a sense of connection between two people, In fact, some researchers believe that the major function of laughter is to bring people together. And all the health benefits of laughter may simply result from the social support that laughter stimulates. Laughter also helps in fighting against mental stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and various other mental disorders. Some specialists even recommends a therapy, called “A therapy of laughter” for both – physical and mental health.

In conclusion, it is safe to say that laughter is a way more than just an expression of joy, happiness or amusement. It is also a natural medicine for our body and mind, and the most effective way to strengthen relationships between people, to show acceptance and the feeling of being socially accepted. Laughter is one of the main keys to a joyful and healthy life.

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